OJAFR Latest Issues


Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research

E-ISSN: 2228-7701

Dr. Habib Aghdam Shahryar
, PhD, IRAN;
Dr. Saeid Chekani Azar, PhD, TURKEY
...view editorial board

Dr. Saeid Chekani Azar, PhD, TURKEY

Journal metrics: h5-index=9; h5-median=12


» Indexed/covered by Scopus (CiteScore: 0.9), AGRIS, EBSCO, Ulrich's™, HINARI, NSD, BASE, ZDB,  EZB,...details

» Full texts and XML articles are available in Crossref.


» Digital Archiving:
Journal Repository (eprints)

» This journal is in full compliance with BOAI and ICMJE's Recommendations.

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Open-access-full» High visibility of articles over the internet through Gold Open Access.

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» This journal encourage the academic institutions in low-income countries to publish high quality scientific results, free of charges... view Review/Decisions/Processing/Policy

OJAFR"s active reviewers and editorial board members

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OJAFR Submission and Acceptance Rates
Year Submission Acceptance
2011 79 60 (75.9%)
2012 118 92 (77.9%)
2013 109 46 (45%)
2014 72 28 (38.8%)
2015 64 30 (46.8%)
2016 39 18 (46.1%)
2017 44 24 (54.5%)
2018 39 26 (66.6%)
68 37 (54.4%)
2020 103 43 (41.7%)
2021 102 33 (32.3%)
2022 128 51 (39.8%)
2023 148 63 (42.5%)
The estimated time from:
Submission to first decision: 16 days
Submission to final decision: 72 days
Acceptance to final publication: 86 days



Frequency: Bimonthlyexternal-link-256

Current Issue: 2024, Vol: 14, No: 4 (July 30) (Archive)

DOI Prefix: 10.51227external-link-256

Publisher: SCIENCELINEexternal-link-256

Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research is an international peer-reviewed journal, publishes the full text of original scientific researches, reviews, and case reports in all fields of animal and feed sciences, bimonthly and freely on the ınternet ...view full aims and scope



Research Paper

Body length as predictor for improving body weight of White Leghorn chicken breed

Tyasi TL, Mookamedi KO, Mokoena K and Molabe KM.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 14(4): 218-224, 2024; pii: S222877012400026-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51227/ojafr.2024.26

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

1326Research Paper

The efficiency of pigs from different genetic origins under industrial conditions in Ukraine

Voloshynov V, Povod M, Mykhalko O, Verbelchuk T, Verbelchuk S, Koberniuk V, Lavryniuk O, and Shcherbatiuk N.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 14(4): 225-233, 2024; pii: S222877012400027-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51227/ojafr.2024.27

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

275-lignocellulose_fiber-pigletsResearch Paper

Using lignocellulose fiber in feed to maintain health and improve the growth of post-wean piglets

Ardana IBK, Sumadi IK, Warditha AAGJ, Dharmayudha AAGO.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 14(4): 234-242, 2024; pii: S222877012400028-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51227/ojafr.2024.28

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]


Research Paper

Prospects for the use of medicinal plants extracts (Mallotus oppositifolius and Kalanchoe crenata) as antimicrobials against salmonellosis in poultry

Rivière AK, Alassane T, Carole BA, and Germain KT.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 14(4): 243-251, 2024; pii: S222877012400029-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51227/ojafr.2024.29

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]


Minerals content of water sources for livestock production in Ethiopia

Abebe Y and Mekuriaw Y.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 14(4): 252-262, 2024; pii: S222877012400030-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51227/ojafr.2024.30

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

146-Red_Chittagong_cattleResearch Paper

Principal breeding factors influencing milk yield and reproduction of Red Chittagong cattle

Tabassum M, Prank R, Paul SK, Akter N, Islam S, Islam S and Hossain E.

Online J. Anim. Feed Res., 14(4): 263-273, 2024; pii: S222877012400031-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51227/ojafr.2024.31

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

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